Stay tuned for regular posts from Alan Roxburgh, Cam Roxburgh, and Roy Searle
"We have an opportunity to join God in producing new communities of God’s people bringing hope in difficult times."

Who Are We?
The Commons Network is an increasing group of people committed to launching “Communities of Hope.” We want to be a sign, instrument and foretaste of the present Kingdom of God. This group already includes members from Forge, The Missional Network, and the Northumbrian Collective.
Meet our Team!

Alan Roxburgh
A pastor, teacher, writer and consultant with more than 40 years experience in church leadership, consulting and seminary education.

Cam Roxburgh
A missionary who loves the church in Canada, planted The Neighbourhood Church in BC, and leads Forge Global as well as Forge Canada.

Roy Searle
One of the founders of the Northumbria Community, serving in various aspects of denominational ministry, a leadership mentor, pioneer ambassador, consultant and a former President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain.
Connect With Us!
We will be sharing our journey through our Facebook page, email newsletter, as well as hosting several webinars and training workshops. See what's coming up!
